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Who Will Get the Last Word? Classroom Game

When I am planning new classroom games, I am always looking
to get the most bang for my buck! I try to create activities that I can use for
lots of different skills. This way I only have to teach the game once, but we
can play it again and again!
Who Will Get the Last Word? is one of my favorite games! You
can use it for spelling, vocabulary, sight words, or even math. It is an easy
game to prep, and it really keeps your kiddos engaged!
Before playing the game, you will need some teacher cards. I
use a Sharpie Fine Point marker
and index cards to make my teacher cards. On each card, write down one
word. For example, if you are learning a new spelling pattern, you will need
one card for each one of your new spelling words.
When it’s time to start playing, each kiddo will need a dry
erase board and a EXPO 2-in-1 Double Sided Dry Erase Marker. You will show them
all the words on your teacher cards, and they will write them on their dry
erase boards.  They will use one color to
write all the words except for ONE! They will choose which word they think will
be the “Last Word” and write that word using the opposite side of their markers.
Make sure they only pick one word to write with a different
color! It should be easy to see which word they picked as the “Last Word.” Remind
your kids that they may not change the color of their words once you start the
Once the kiddos have their boards ready, collect all the
cards and put them in a cup or basket. Pull out the cards one at a time and
give them a clue. If you are practicing a spelling pattern, you might say,
cross off “s-t-a-r.” Keep giving clues until you just have one card left.
The children who wrote the “Last Word” with the different
color are the winners! You can give them a little treat or reward like stickers
or mini-erasers. Once you know how to play, it’s fun to play during lots of
different subjects!
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my post! All opinions are my own!
Picture of Emily Yerty

Emily Yerty

I’m a teacher who believes in creating a classroom kids love and activities that keep them engaged all day!

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